LoggerMate App lets you connect to you logger via USB

Step 1

Connect your logger to your computer via the USB Programmer Tool

Step 2

Select the correct COM Port and click Connect

Successful Connection

Failed Connection - please check all plugs are connected properly and the COM Port is correct

Step 3

Once connected, you can download data, erase data, configure and launch your logger

  • Download the raw temperature data from your logger in .txt or .csv format.

  • Erase existing temperature data on the logger.

    Note: you will need to erase the data before you can configure or launch your logger again.

  • Assign a unique Identification number to this particular logger.

    Range: 1 to 65534

  • Configure the time between each temperature sample, and select whether this is seconds or minutes.

    Range: 1 to 254

    This means the shortest sample rate is 1 second, and the longest sample rate is 254 minutes.

  • Configure the time the logger will begin recording temperature samples.

    Enable/disable this feature with the check box.

    Disabling this feature means the logger will commence logging immediately.

    Configure the hour, minute, and day to commence logging. Logging will commence at second 0 of this time.

    Note: You can only select a day up to a month in advance to commence logging.

    The LoggerMate App system time is displayed for simplicity. The logger delayed start time is referenced to this time (including timezone).

  • Lock the current configuration so it does not automatically update when connecting to a new logger.

    This feature saves time when launching multiple loggers with the same sample rate and delayed start time.

  • Displays the final temperature sampling rate, and time the logger will commence logging.

  • Launches the logger with the displayed configuration.

    Note: logger temperature data must be erased before launching again.

  • The status bar displays:

    • Current COM Port selection

    • Logger connection

    • Logger memory status (erased, not erased, erasing)

    • Data download progress

    • Hardware/Software Version (unimplemented)

Step 4

When launched, you can check the status of your logger, and exit, by reconnecting it to your computer via the USB Programmer Tool, selecting the correct COM Port, and clicking Connect (same as Step 1 to 2)

Logger is in delayed start mode, waiting to commence logging mode

Logger is in logging mode, with the number of temperature samples currently collected